The assignment was to come up with a completely original poster design for a movie that had already been released.  I had one week to do deep research into the tone, message, etc. of the movie and come up with 5-10 sketches that would properly communicate what the movie was about, as well as market it.  I then had a second week to finalize my ideas into a finished piece.
File structure and organization are the keys to success on projects like these.  By keeping everything organized the sky is the limit on creativity.  You save invaluable time, and can design freely knowing you have everything you need at your fingertips, just waiting to be called upon.  Another huge part of organization of a project is knowing how to handle the assembly of the project.  Working through the problem piece by piece, one step at a time, may seem frustratingly slow at times, but it ensures a fully developed final product and saves you much more time than trying to rush through your work only to have to go back and fix your mistakes.
Batman Begins

Batman Begins
